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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler

Breakfast Club and wellbeing

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The aim of Breakfast Club is to provide a positive and settled start to the day for all children through providing a wide range of activities, incorporating learning and social development.

Each morning a nutritious breakfast is provided. The children are encouraged to help themselves, sit down and talk together, and then clear away their dishes; the idea is that our breakfast club replicates as far as possible the atmosphere of a family meal. At the end of the session, the children are well fed, happy and ready to take part in wellbeing activities.

Breakfast Club is £4 per child (£3 per sibling) and runs from 7.30 - 8.45am each day.

At Rillington we strongly advocate wellbeing, we see it as being fundamental to our health and overall happiness. Having a strong and well-adapted sense of wellbeing can help us overcome difficulties and help us achieve our goals in life... in short, having high levels of wellbeing helps us to be the best versions of ourselves. As a result we have pledged to offer wellbeing activities to all our pupils each morning as part of our wider curriculum.




Opening Times

We are open every weekday during term time, excluding inset days from 7.30am to 8.45am.

Your child(ren) can be dropped off at any time between these times.  Children enter Breakfast Club through the main school entrance. Unfortunately we are not able to serve breakfast to children arriving after 8.15am, except in exceptional circumstances.


Breakfast Club costs £4 per session (£3 per sibling), which includes a choice of breakfast and participating in the wellbeing activity of the day.

The cost remains the same regardless of the time that your child arrives, or whether or not they have breakfast.


Please book a place for either breakfast club by emailing Miss Taylor -

Payment is made in advance via the Parent Pay site.  We ask that you pay for all sessions selected each term.

If you wish to cancel your booking, we require at least one week’s notice in writing.  After this time, it is still vital for you to inform us if your child is not attending the club, including illness.


Signing In

It is vital that children attending Breakfast Club are signed in.

Children must be signed in by a member of staff.



We aim to make each child happy and comfortable at the Breakfast Club.

You can help us by providing as much information as possible about their likes/dislikes on the enrolment forms.  Any information relevant to a particular day can be discussed briefly at drop-off.  If you have any more detailed issues that you would like to discuss with club staff, then you can arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone call or short meeting outside of club operation times.

As you will appreciate, the Breakfast Club staff have several children to look after and cannot pass individual messages onto class teachers.  If there is something which the class teacher needs to know, then please write a message to them via class dojo or call the school office.

In the first instance, if you should have any concerns about the way the club is being operated, please raise them with Miss Taylor  (School office manager).