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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler


At Rillington Primary School we believe that all children should be given a range of opportunities to be active through timetabled PE lessons, sports competitions and extra-curricular sporting opportunities. We are passionate about improving the physical health, as well as the mental wellbeing of our pupils through sport.


Our intent:

  • All pupils should develop a knowledge of 1. motor competence, 2. rules, strategies and tactics, 3. Healthy participation.
  • Children are confident in both the declarative and procedural understanding of their performance.
  • All children to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • For all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time, through at least 2 hours of PE each week, extra-curricular provision and active breaks within lessons.
  • For all children to have the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • To equip our children with the skills and knowledge they need, to embed lifelong healthy habits and participation, understanding of all aspects of a healthy lifestyle including mental wellbeing and nutrition.
  • Strive to create a culture which aims to inspire a generation to enjoy PE. We encourage our children to be advocates of sport, being proud of their achievements, both individually and as a team player.
  • We encourage children to transfer the skills that they learn through sport into other aspects of their learning. These skills include; teamwork, leadership, resilience.


Our implementation:

  • We have a progression document which shows how knowledge (declarative) and skill (procedural) progresses across year groups.
  • PE progression document
  • We teach Physical Education from EYFS to year 6, for at least 2 hours each week.
  • Adults give high-quality instructions, plan purposeful practice and give immediate feedback.
  • Use of technology as a means of evaluation within lessons.
  • Specialist PE coaches support staff to design creative and innovative lessons for pupils to enjoy.
  • We take part in an active warm ups to ensure that our bodies are ready for physical exertion.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to develop new skills in isolation, before applying this into a game-based scenario.
  • We finish our lesson with a cool down to help the body to recover effectively and safely from energetic activity.
  • Throughout the year, we cover a range of games, sports and activities in our PE lessons. This includes: swimming, invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor adventurous activities, fitness and athletics.
  • 2022-2023, we utilised a large proportion of our sports premium funding to enable all of KS2 to have regular swimming lessons at Pickering Pool with their instructors.



In EYFS, children have opportunities through timetabled PE lessons and through provision to develop their Gross and Fine Motor Skills. 

Children at the expected level of development will:

  • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and
  • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.
  • Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and



  • A high percentage of children achieve age expectation in the pillars outlined by in OFSTED’s Primary PE Research Review; 1. Motor competence, 2. Rules, strategies and tactics, 3. Healthy participation.
  • Children have a deep knowledge of a range of sports and the skills required for different sports. 
  • Standards in assessment outcomes are very strong.
  • Children love participating in sport and develop lifelong healthy habits. 
  • Children strive for sporting success and develop skills of respect, sportsmanship and safety in line with our school values.
  • We see the impact that success in sport has on our children’s confidence, which is then transferred into the classroom making them more motivated and resilient in other areas of the curriculum.
  • Sports Leaders promote positive attitudes towards physical activity by motivating and raising the profile of the subject amongst their peers whilst ensuring that the playground environment is calm.


Wider opportunities;

  • Local sports partnerships (Malton Community Sports Centre, Ryedale and Whitby School Games) which organise inter-school competitions.
  • Links to external sports clubs and specialist coaching links (Hawkes, Malton and Norton Rugby Club, Ivan Oliver- a PGA Qualified Level 3 Golf Professional based at Scarborough South Cliff Golf Club, Cricket links).
  • We work hard to ensure that our offerings for extra-curricular clubs and activities meet the needs and wants of our families through regular consultations.
  • We train year 5 pupils in how to be successful sports leaders. This initiative encourages young people to take responsibility and develop strong leadership skills. This ensures that there are a range of opportunities to be active at break times.


Please find the PE subject newsletter below: