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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler

Wellbeing at Rillington


Children's, staff and parent's mental health and wellbeing is incredibly important to all at Rillington, it underpins all that we do throughout school and as a result we are currently working towards our Nurture accreditation.



The Cabin:

We have a dedicate wellbeing spaced know as 'The Cabin', this is an area in school dedicated to nurture, the area was designed and created by both staff and children. Children can access this space as required, during which they are encourage to talk freely and share any worries or concerns they may have. The space is also open to parents and staff as required.


Our wellbeing lead:

The Cabin' is led by our wellbeing lead - Mrs Johnson. Mrs Johnson provides high-quality pastoral support to children, parents and staff. She has completed the Senior Mental Health Lead award (2022) and trained as a sand story practitioner (2023); this has further strengthened our wellbeing offer available at Rillington. Mrs Johnson is trained to support children with varying SEMH needs and does so effectively, ensuring that children are regulated and able to learn. Children are assessed using the Boxall profile as part of our nurture offer. 


A little bit about Mrs Johnson....

I have worked in education for 27 years and can honestly say I have enjoyed every minute of it. At Rillington you can usually find me in the Nurture space, this is something that I am extremely proud of and love to see the children benefit from the calm, safe environment that this provides. I am very passionate about building trusting relationships with parents and supporting them to help their children feel happy and ready to learn.

When I’m not busy at school you will find me being a taxi for my three fabulous boys, who play a wide range of sports. When we do spend time as a family we love to be on the beach, playing football, collecting shells and body boarding.


Nurture at Rillington:

At Rillington Primary School we are incredibly proud to be on the journey to achieving The National Nurturing Schools Award, this is an 18 month journey that we very much think will enhance our strong SEMH offer. The award allows staff to further develop and embed a nurturing culture throughout the school, enhancing teaching and learning, promoting healthy outcomes for all children by focusing on the emotional needs and development as well as the academic learning in a whole school environment. As part of our nurture award staff, parents and children have become aware of the six principles of nurture.


Healthy Schools:

We have also achieved a healthy schools silver award for our commitment to high quality PSHE and wellbeing.

Handle with care:

Support in class:

We offer support for wellbeing in each of our classrooms too, but uses the zones of regulation and check in areas. The zones of regulation are displayed and referenced by adults in classrooms, to support children with regulation for learning, this includes activity bags that children can access independently to support with their regulation. Furthermore, in each classroom we include a ‘check in’ area for both staff and children,  it is used throughout the day, it enables staff to be aware of children’s SEMH needs and provide the pastoral support needed.

Click below to find out some of the ways we are able to self regulate:

Our 5 star breathing technique to support self-regulation

External agencies:

As a school focussed on wellbeing we also provide SEMH support for our children through our ongoing work with external partners such as child therapists, local police, and Local Authority SEMH specialists. Through timely interventions and specialist support we can meet the needs of our children.

Play therapy:

Using play in therapy helps people to express themselves in their own way; especially if they are struggling to understand how they are feeling, or are finding it hard to put their experiences into words.

Play Therapy can be a particularly helpful approach for children in need of therapeutic support.


We are also able to refer our families to Cerys Overington our local play therapist for children who have witnessed/experienced domestic abuse.

PSHE Newsletter:

 Support and advice for parents:

The Emotional Health and Resilience Team offer a service for 6-19 years olds experiencing low to moderate level emotional health issues. Children, Young People and Families will be offered face to face or virtual support as part of our service offer.

The team includes a skill mix of Emotional Health and resilience Nurses, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners and Family Health practitioners. The team are trained to deliver evidence based 1-1 short term interventions to support:

  •   Low mood

  •   Anger

  •   Anxiety

  •   Self-esteem

  •   Building resilience

  •   Managing Emotions

  •   Behaviour Management linked to emotional health concern

    Parents, guardians and young people themselves can access the service for support and information by calling 0300 303 0916.

Please click on the blue link below:

Emotional Health Resiliance Referral Form

Compass buzz:



How can I support my Transgender child:
How can I support my child bed wetting:
How can I support my child with bedtime routines and sleep:
How can I support my child with bereavement:
How can I support my child with anxiety: